About Astral Travel From Lobsang Rampa

So what is "Astral Travel" and why are we making such a big issue about it? Well, quite simple, it's very important that you learn how to do this consciously because the majority of you are doing this without knowing it at night. Every night when you are asleep; the majority of individuals, unconsciously leave their actual physical body and travel throughout the night to far-off places. As the majority of people are unaware of this very natural process - religious beliefs or otherwise - we immediately wake up and think it's all just been a dream or nightmare; depending on your nights travels.

I previously mentioned that the majority of individuals do; this means there are many people who cannot; and by their own doing. This is because they suffer from “constipation”; the “worlds” most common ailment. Having your system blocked by mal nourishment causes the astral body to be “locked” within the physical, so at night it cannot get released. You "ARE" what you eat; this is a proven medical fact and certainly not fiction! Read “Diets & Fasting” to over come this common ailment. Obesity is just as bad as constipation; if not much worse.

Your physical body is not the real you, it's just a shell used to enable the real you to be on this planet; to learn the lessons you came down here to learn.Read More
If you study how to “consciously” astral travel you will be able to see the “real world” and life for what it really is; things are definitely not as they appear whilst within the physical. Many true aspects of life cannot be understood or appreciated until you are “outside” of the physical.

Being within the astral plane you can read any language, regardless of how old or what that language is written in. You can visit any building on this planet and see everything, locks, doors or walls do not pose any obstacles; however, before you think it would be great to see others in their birthday suit; think again! Only those with pure intentions can see everything, but those with idle curiosity or alterative motives cannot, it's a universal law. You may be able to break physical laws whilst on this little planet, but you cannot break universal laws regardless of who you are!

Within many of his books, Dr. Rampa explains how to get started so you can achieve this. Astral traveling is as natural as breathing. It's also known as “OBE” out of body experience and a variety of other silly names, but “astral travel” is the correct terminology. Within his book titled “You Forever” Dr. Rampa explains in detail the whole process and required steps into achieving conscious astral travel. Another book titled “The Thirteenth Candle” chapter eleven, page 149, also covers in more detail the whole process towards conscious astral traveling. The main key to success is to “visualise” yourself actually leaving your body and seeing the silver cord which connects the two bodies.

You have to go in for visualization, and visualization is not imagination.  Imagination is something which can be indulged in on the imaginary basis only. No amount of imagination, for instance, would enable you to jump over a thirty-story building. You might be able to do it in your imagination and then you would be something like Superman; wouldn't you? But such a jump over a thirty-story building is beyond the laws of physical nature, so it is imagination only, and many people waste time imagining that which is completely impossible. Visualization, on the contrary, is something which is entirely possible because it is entirely in keeping with normal physical laws. These laws are universal laws.

So how do you know if you are astral traveling or just dreaming? simple; remember that the silver cord is “ALWAYS” visible, colours are more “VIBRANT” and you can see clearly even in the very “DARKEST” of rooms; as if there was sunlight entering the room and in fact, when you are in the “REAL” astral world you “WILL” see more colours that you can perceive within the physical - and finally - you can see your own physical body. Actually seeing your own physical body can be a shock and this can send the astral body straight back into the physical; if this happens, sleep and try again another night. Remember there is “NOTHING” that can harm you whilst within the astral plane; the silver cord “CANNOT” be broken - only death itself can do that – and you “CANNOT” be possessed whilst astral traveling. Your only worry is fear itself. And what actually is fear? It’s simply a lack of understanding as you don't fear that which you understand; or do you?

Astral travel is natural as breathing and it is part of every living person's birthright; no matter whether it be an animal, a plant, a fish, a human, or even a bird - every living creature astral travels. How quickly can you do it consciously? Well that depends on you; and you alone. The majority of untrained people fall asleep during the process; which is very annoying indeed, as you must leave the body before it goes to sleep to remember your travels!
You must be open minded and believe you can do it else it's pointless trying to go any further. If you can believe that you can; and you can also “visualise” that you can; then you “will” succeed. There are numerous other web sites which try and explain astral travel by “bizarre” methods or by using strange “naming” conventions. Some state that you must call upon “this or that” God or being and “Demand” they give you the “power”.

These web sites should be avoided at all costs; as they give metaphysics a really bad name by talking utter nonsense and can mislead you. Sadly metaphysics - from a Western point of view - doesn't seem to be acceptable unless it's been glorified beyond belief. Many cannot accept that they already have the power within themselves and all this false glorification that's portrayed is not required, and NEVER WILL BE!

The above image is the Astral body leaving the physical, showing the two joined together by the silver cord.

Some people have mentioned that when astral traveling; or having an "out of body experience", they find themselves moving though a tunnel with a bright light at the far end. This is most excellent news as that is the way home; back to the real astral world. If you ever get the chance to do this it's strongly advisable to spend some time in the astral home - remember everything you see and do - then when your time on Earth is done, you "Will" know the way home without any delays. Within the astral plane you move by thought alone, which is much, much faster than the speed of light; and all communications are by telepathy.

Astral Travel Prayer.

On "such-and-such a day" I am going to travel in the astral world, and I am going to remain fully aware of all that which I do, and be fully aware of all that which I see. I shall remember all this and recall it fully when I am again in my body. I shall do this without fail

"such-and-such a day" should be a date, say three to six month's into the future; you decide. The prayer should be repeated just before you sleep and repeated three times. Sit with bare feet together with toes and heels touching, then clasp your hands together so that your fingers of each hand interlock, and so that your hands and feet each form a sort of closed circle. Then call your subconscious by name and then say your prayer, repeating it three times in your normal voice, don't whisper and there is no need to shout. Then one day you will find yourself consciously astral traveling and you will return back to your physical remembering everything.

There is no secret in astral travel; it just needs confidence. It just needs the firm knowledge that you are going to do astral travel while you are fully awake. And the best way to start about it is not to imagine that you are out of the body, but to visualise that you "are" out of your body. This word "imagination" is badly misused, whereas it would be better to say "visualise". So, visualise yourself leaving your physical body, visualise yourself gradually inching out and floating inches above the recumbent physical body. Actually visualise yourself doing it, actually form the strong thoughts that you are doing it, and sooner or later you will do it. You will find, with the greatest amazement, that you are floating there looking down upon a padded, whitish-green or what ever coloured fleshy body. Probably it will have its mouth open, probably it will be snoring away because when you are out of the physical it doesn't matter at all if your body goes to sleep. Because if you get out while the body is awake, you will remember the whole experience.

Many fail because they either fear the unknown, they're overtired when they try or more commonly; impatient. The Americans are the worse because their culture demands that everything is instant and nothing ever is; not even coffee, as you still have to wait for the kettle to boil, etc. Like learning anything in life, it takes time, dedication and lots of patience. Read "Beyond the Tenth" page 38.

Due to today’s hectic lifestyle many cannot visualise themselves floating above their bed; as you would be when astral travelling, this is because there is too much visual input in their lives i.e. television and films, so that their ability has diminished greatly. Therefore this suggestion can help you overcome that small problem.

Get a partner or friend to photograph you as you would normally sleep – it must be as you would normally sleep, either naked or with pyjamas, but take the picture from above the bed - get them to try with a chair at the bottom of the bed - so that you get an image looking down upon yourself because that’s exactly what you will see when in the astral. Draw the curtains for ambient lighting and don't use a flash unless it's defused. Every night before going to sleep spend a few minutes looking at that picture, try to keep that image from the photograph in your mind, and soon enough you will find yourself floating above your bed and looking down upon your physical body; then the fun starts.

Remember never to panic even if you do get a few swaying sensations trying because you CANNOT BE HURT and you can ALWAYS get back into the physical once out. When you have finally got out of the physical, rest awhile. Just keep still, you don't need to feel panic nor triumph, just rest peaceably for a few moments. Then - if you think you can stand the shock - and depending on what sort of a body you've got; gaze down on the thing you've just left. It looks all lopsided, it looks lumpy and heavy, it looks an untidy mess. Well, aren't you glad to get away from it for the time being?

Some people have dreams. Now frequently the dreams are rationalizations of what actually happened. The person is a doubter to start with and just would not believe the possibility of astral travel, and so as a solution to what would be a difficult problem the subconscious of the doubter cooks up a fantastic image or dream which truly is stranger than anything that could happen in real life. Dreams, then, are either the rationalization of an astral experience or the mindless wandering thoughts of a body of which the soul or astral form is far, far away - so far that no check is being kept on the mental processes of the sleeping form.

One final note: It is absolutely essential that before a person can astral travel consciously and under full control, they must get rid of gross lusts and false carnal desires they may have. These gross lusts and false carnal desires will prevent anyone from succeeding because the spiritual path is not carnal. This doesn't apply to couples who are in love and have sex because true love with pure sex only strenghtens and elevate one whereas satifying carnal lusts prevents us from elevating ourselves.

 Books by Lobsang Rampa
The Third Eye (1956)
My Visit to Venus (1957, but see note below)
Doctor from Lhasa (1959)
The Rampa Story (1960)
Cave of the Ancients (1963)
Living with the Lama (1964)
You Forever (1965)
Wisdom of the Ancients (1965)
The Saffron Robe (1966)
Chapters of Life (1967)
Beyond The Tenth (1969)
Feeding the Flame (1971)
The Hermit (1971)
The Thirteenth Candle (1972)
Candlelight (1973)
Twilight (1975)
As It Was! (1976)
I Believe (1976)
Three Lives (1977)
Tibetan Sage (1980)

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